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Unconscious Bias Workshop with Kimberly Dark

Kimberly Dark is a writer, professor and storyteller, working to reveal the hidden architecture of everyday life so that we can reclaim our power as social creators.

She’s the author of Damaged Like Me, (2021), Fat, Pretty, and Soon to be Old (2019), The Daddies (2018) and Love and Errors (2018), and her essays, stories and poetry are widely published in academic and popular online publications alike. Her ability to make the personal political is grounded in her training as a sociologist, and you can find her course offerings in Sociology at California State San Marcos and Writing/Arts at California State Summer Arts.

Kimberly hosts Professional Development Intensives in Hawaii, and travels internationally to offer workshops, lectures, and performances that use storytelling to make big, complex ideas relatable at campuses, conferences, companies and anywhere people seek startling revelations and positive change. Beloved by diverse audiences, Kimberly crosses boundaries to show how we must engage all the wisdom and verve we have to create the most compassionate, fair and inclusive world we can.

Sign up for Kimberly's quarterly newsletter to stay in touch with Kimberly's writing and events.


Campus Beach Trip

between K1 and K2 Keplerstraße 17, Stuttgart, Germany

Come with us to the Campus Beach! We meet at 3:30 pm between K1 and K2. If it rains, there is a plan B!


Fachgruppenraum, 4.038 Keplerstraße 17, Stuttgart

Come to our next Fachgruppe meeting! We look forward to seeing new faces :)

Tag der Wissenschaft

Campus Vaihingen
